" -- General Settings set mouse-=a " No mouse, see https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/12621 set encoding=utf-8 " Necessary to show Unicode glyphs set scrolloff=4 " keep at least 4 lines above/below cursor visible set linebreak " last word line wrapping, instead of last character set ttyfast " fast terminal set incsearch " search as we type set smartcase " case (in)sensitive searching set nobackup " declutter backups (handled elsewhere) set noswapfile " declutter temp files (live fast, die hard) set number " -- Syntax Highlighting "set background=dark " tell vim the background is dark colorscheme ir_black " via http://toddwerth.com/2008/04/30/the-last-vim-color-scheme-youll-ever-need/ syntax on " enable syntax highlighting set hlsearch " highlight/underline search results "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.md setfiletype markdown "au BufRead,BufNewFile /etc/nginx/*,/usr/local/nginx/conf/* setfiletype nginx " -- Tabs " :h tabstop " http://tedlogan.com/techblog3.html set tabstop=4 " existing tab column length set softtabstop=4 " spaces per and set shiftwidth=4 " spaces per indent set expandtab " whether to prefer spaces set cindent " auto-indenting for code blocks " -- Keys " insert mode with semi-colon, because save the pinkies noremap ; : noremap , ; " center search results on the screen map N Nzz map n nzz " Make tabs, trailing whitespace, and non-breaking spaces visible for list exec "set listchars=tab:\uBB\uBB,trail:\uB7,nbsp:~"