--- - import_tasks: vim.yml - name: Copy shell configuration ansible.builtin.copy: src: inputrc dest: "{{ dotfile_path }}/.inputrc" loop_control: loop_var: dotfile_path loop: - /etc/skel - /root - "{{ ansible_env.PWD }}/" - name: Install global bash aliases ansible.builtin.copy: src: bash_aliases dest: /etc/profile.d/zz_aliases.sh mode: '0755' #- name: Add root bashrc shell history configuration # lineinfile: # path: /root/.bashrc # regexp: '^(export )?HISTCONTROL=' # line: 'HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth' # state: present # #- name: Add root bashrc and vim configuration for RedHat # lineinfile: # path: /root/.bashrc # regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}" # line: "{{ item.line }}" # state: present # with_items: # - regexp: '^(export )?VISUAL=' # line: 'export VISUAL=vim' # - regexp: '^(export )?EDITOR=' # line: 'export EDITOR=vim' # - regexp: '^(export )?SUDO_EDITOR=' # line: 'export SUDO_EDITOR=vim' # #- name: Add functional alias to restart a service and show the log # blockinfile: # path: /root/.bashrc # block: | # pheonix() { # systemctl restart $1;journalctl -fu $1 # }