# PostgreSQL This variation of the [original role](https://github.com/Tronde/ansible_role_deploy_nextcloud_with_mariadb_pod) is intended to be composed with another role that sets up the database. Here is an example using [anxs.postgresql](https://github.com/ANXS/postgresql) ## Example Playbook ```yaml roles: - anxs.postgresql ``` ## Example Variables ```yaml postgresql_users: - name: nextcloud pass: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.env', 'NEXTCLOUD_POSTGRES_PASSWORD') }}" encrypted: yes state: present postgresql_databases: - name: nextcloud owner: nextcloud state: present ``` In this example, there are two users because both `localhost` and `%` (all-hosts wildcard) are [mutually exclusive](https://stackoverflow.com/q/10823854/9290). I am also using environment variables to separate secret stores from the repository. ## PG 15 I'm temporarily using this branch to get PG15: ```yaml # - src: https://github.com/ANXS/postgresql - src: https://github.com/VladDm93/postgresql version: postgres-14-15-support name: anxs.postgresql ```