--- - name: Assert all secrets have been configured. ansible.builtin.assert: that: - NAMECHEAP_API_USER != '' - NAMECHEAP_API_KEY != '' fail_msg: "FAILED: Secrets have not been configured." no_log: true - name: Set up the ACME system user and group. import_tasks: setup-user.yml become: true - name: Run lego looped task to order or renew certificates for all ACME domains. include_tasks: file: lego.yml apply: become: false loop: "{{ acme_domains }}" loop_control: loop_var: acme_domain tags: lego - name: Loop through the domain list (again) to copy certs and configure nginx for each ACME domain include_tasks: file: certificates.yml apply: become: true loop: "{{ acme_domains }}" loop_control: loop_var: acme_domain tags: nginx - import_tasks: dhparams.yml become: true tags: dhparams