--- - name: Dojo | Generate systemd unit file for the container(s) containers.podman.podman_generate_systemd: name: dojo dest: ~/.config/systemd/user/ restart_policy: on-failure restart_sec: 60 - name: Dojo | Ensure container(s) are enabled in systemd, but stop it now because we wanted to use "recreate" in the podman_container task before this. ansible.builtin.systemd: name: container-dojo scope: user daemon_reload: true state: stopped enabled: true - name: Dojo | Start the container(s) with systemd, so systemd will know the state of the container(s) moving forward. ansible.builtin.systemd: name: container-dojo scope: user state: started register: systemd_result until: systemd_result is succeeded retries: 1