--- - name: Install service unit ansible.builtin.template: src: snort.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/snort.service become: yes register: service_unit - name: Reload systemd ansible.builtin.systemd: daemon_reload: yes when: service_unit.changed become: yes # Note: You would think become_user would be enough, but it's not. We only seem to get by when running doas/sudo directly. - name: Build snort ansible.builtin.command: cmd: "{{ ansible_become_method }} -u {{ snort_system_user }} {{ item }}" chdir: "{{ snort_install_path }}" become_user: "{{ snort_system_user }}" #when: git_repository.changed or snort_always_build when: snort_dangerously loop: - yarn - yarn build - yarn workspace @snort/app intl-extract - yarn workspace @snort/app intl-compile #- name: Build the frontend assets using yarn build # ansible.builtin.command: # cmd: "{{ ansible_become_method }} -u {{ snort_system_user }} yarn build" # chdir: "{{ snort_install_path }}" # when: git_repository.changed or snort_always_build # notify: restart snort # become_user: "{{ snort_system_user }}" #- name: Copy frontend assets for the web proxy to serve directly # ansible.builtin.copy: # src: "{{ snort_repository_path }}/{{ item }}" # dest: "{{ snort_root_path }}" # remote_src: yes # become: yes # loop: # - packages/app/public/ # - packages/app/build/ # changed_when: false