# Ansible Role: strfry This Ansible Role builds and installs [strfry](https://github.com/hoytech/strfry). Future role improvements: * The git tasks in this role are not yet idempotent due to handling a submodule. * The installation process could be made to check if strfry is already running and perform a zero-downtime upgrade. ## Requirements None. ## Role Variables ```yaml strfry_version: beta # git repository branch or release tag strfry_make_jobs: "{{ ansible_processor_cores }}" # number of CPUs to build with strfry_skip_config: False ``` See `defaults/main.yml` If you are not using the `beta` branch/version, you should override the template with your own by setting `strfry_skip_config` to true and manage the configuration manually. For more configuration info, see the relevant upstream [configuration example](https://github.com/hoytech/strfry/blob/beta/strfry.conf) for your branch/version. ## Example Playbook ```yaml - hosts: all become: true roles: - role: bleetube.strfry - role: nginxinc.nginx_core.nginx tasks: - import_tasks: nginx_conf.yml ``` ## Troubleshooting If `make` fails, try running on a single core: ```shell ansible-playbook playbooks/strfry/main.yml -e 'strfry_make_jobs=1' ```