# Ansible Role: wikijs This Ansible Role installs a rootless [wikijs](https://docs.requarks.io/guide/intro) container using Podman. It is intended to be composed with separate roles for Podman, database, and web proxy. ## Requirements * [podman](docs/PODMAN.md) * [containers.podman](https://github.com/containers/ansible-podman-collections) ## Dependencies * [postgresql](docs/POSTGRES.md) (optional) * [nginx_conf](docs/examples/nginx_conf.yml) (optional) ## Role Variables See the role [defaults](defaults/main.yml) and the wikijs [environment variable](https://docs.requarks.io/install/docker) documentation. For a working example, see this [homelab stack](https://github.com/bleetube/satstack). ## Example Playbook ```yaml - hosts: wikijs roles: - role: nginxinc.nginx_core.nginx become: true - role: anxs.postgresql become: true - role: alvistack.podman become: true - role: bleetube.wikijs tags: wikijs tasks: - import_tasks: nginx_conf.yml become: true ``` ## Systemd ``` systemctl --user status container-wikijs.service ``` ## Upgrades Configure `wikijs_version`. ```bash ansible-playbook playbooks/wikijs.yml --tags wikijs ``` ## Backups See the [postgres example](docs/examples/postgres-backup.sh).