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3 Commits

12 changed files with 828 additions and 74 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ dist/

78 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# BeatLeaderAPI Python Wrapper
This Python class provides a convenient wrapper for interacting with the BeatLeader API, specifically for retrieving player scores and song data for the game Beat Saber.
## Features
- Fetch player scores and song data from the BeatLeader API
- Local caching of API responses to reduce API calls and improve performance
- Automatic pagination handling to retrieve all available data
- Configurable cache expiration
- Methods to retrieve both full and minimal song data
## Usage
### Basic Usage
from saberlist.beatleaderAPI import BeatLeaderAPI
# Initialize the API wrapper
api = BeatLeaderAPI(cache_expiry_days=1)
# Fetch player scores
player_id = '76561199407393962'
scores = api.get_player_scores(player_id)
# Get full song data
songs = api.get_player_songs(player_id)
# Get minimal song data
minimal_songs = api.get_player_songs_minimal(player_id)
### Caching
The class uses a local cache to store API responses. By default, the cache is located at:
- `~/.cache/saberlist/` on Unix-like systems (if `~/.cache/` exists)
- `./.cache/` in the current working directory (as a fallback)
You can control cache behavior:
# Set cache expiry (in days)
api = BeatLeaderAPI(cache_expiry_days=7)
# Force a fresh API call (ignore cache)
fresh_scores = api.get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=False)
# Clear cache for a specific player
# Clear all cache
# Get the current cache directory
cache_dir = api.get_cache_dir()
### Pagination
The `get_player_scores` method automatically handles pagination to retrieve all available scores. You can control this behavior:
# Set a custom page size (default is 100)
scores = api.get_player_scores(player_id, page_size=50)
# Limit the number of pages fetched
scores = api.get_player_scores(player_id, max_pages=5)
## Methods
- `get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=True, page_size=100, max_pages=None)`: Retrieves all scores for a player.
- `get_player_songs(player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True)`: Retrieves full song data for all unique songs a player has played.
- `get_player_songs_minimal(player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True)`: Retrieves minimal song data (id, name, author, mapper, hash, bpm, duration) for all unique songs a player has played.
- `clear_cache(player_id=None)`: Clears the cache for a specific player or all cached data.
- `get_cache_dir()`: Returns the path to the current cache directory.

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@ -1,72 +1,46 @@
# playlist helper
# SaberList
## Usage
SaberList is a tool for generating custom Beat Saber playlists based on a player's performance data from Beat Leader.
## Features
- Fetches player scores from Beat Leader API
- Generates difficulty-based playlists
- Automatically selects a random cover image for each playlist
- Avoids duplicating songs across multiple playlist generations
- Caches player data for faster subsequent runs
## Playlist generations
The program has the following playlist generation modes:
### Replay songs by age
pipx install pleb-saberlist
### Examples
This will generate a playlist of oldest songs that you have previously played, ostensibly because you probably can improve your score. It will add low star songs, mid star songs, and high star songs to the playlist. That way you can warm up on the low star songs, and then move on to the harder songs. Each time you run this command it will generate a completely new playlist.
Enter the minimum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.0): 6.2
Enter the maximum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.3):
Enter the filename for the playlist (Default: SS Leaderboard 6.2★):
2024-07-09 16:06:13 DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Fetching page 1/-1 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Got 14 songs from leaderboard page 1
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Fetching page 2/3 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Got 14 songs from leaderboard page 2
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Fetching page 3/3 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Got 3 songs from leaderboard page 3
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Playlist written to SS Leaderboard 6.2★.bplist
## Covers
Player songs by stars:
The program will automatically select a random cover image for each playlist. The cover image is selected from the `covers` directory. We suggest using a latent diffusion model to generate random cover images for your playlists.
2024-07-09 16:07:04 DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector
Enter the playerid (Default: 76561199407393962):
Enter the minimum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 5):
Enter the maximum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.0): 5.5
Enter the filename for the playlist (Default: Replay SS 5.0★):
2024-07-09 16:07:14 INFO: Fetching page 1/-1 of player scores
2024-07-09 16:07:15 INFO: Got 100 scores from page 1
2024-07-09 16:07:19 INFO: Fetching page 8/9 of player scores
2024-07-09 16:07:20 INFO: Got 96 scores from page 8
2024-07-09 16:07:20 INFO: Playlist written to Replay SS 5.0★.bplist
## Configuration
The program uses a `playlist_history.json` file to keep track of previously used songs and cover images. This ensures that subsequent runs generate fresh playlists without duplicates.
## Development
## Output
Clone the repo and install dependencies into a local virtual environment:
The program generates:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --editable .
1. A `.bplist` file containing the playlist data in JSON format
2. Console output listing the songs included in the playlist
## Resources
## Contributing
* [Beatleader API](
* [ScoreSaber API](
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
## Tips
## License
Count results
jq '.songs | length' < playlist.bplist
Avoid printing covers in console.
jq 'del(.image)' < playlist.bplist
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.

50 Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ===============================================================
# PNG to JPEG Converter for ComfyUI Output
# ===============================================================
# Purpose:
# This script converts PNG images generated by ComfyUI to JPEG format.
# It's designed to process images in the 'comfyui-output/dev-dancing'
# directory and save the converted files in a './covers' directory.
# Features:
# - Converts PNG to JPEG using ImageMagick (magick convert)
# - Applies '-strip' to remove metadata and '-quality 90' for compression
# - Skips already converted images to allow for incremental processing
# - Creates the output directory if it doesn't exist
# Usage:
# ./
# Note: Ensure ImageMagick is installed on your system before running.
# Author: [Your Name]
# Date: [Current Date]
# Version: 1.0
# ===============================================================
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ./covers
# Loop through all PNG files in the comfyui-output/dev-dancing directory
for png_file in comfyui-output/dev-dancing/*.png; do
# Get the base filename without extension
base_name=$(basename "$png_file" .png)
# Define the output JPEG filename
# Check if the JPEG file already exists
if [ ! -f "$jpg_file" ]; then
# Convert PNG to JPEG using magick with specified options
magick "$png_file" -strip -quality 90 "$jpg_file"
echo "Converted: $png_file -> $jpg_file"
echo "Skipped: $jpg_file already exists"
echo "Conversion complete!"

docs/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# playlist helper
This is the old readme that explains the scoresaber functions.
## Usage
pipx install pleb-saberlist
### Examples
Enter the minimum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.0): 6.2
Enter the maximum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.3):
Enter the filename for the playlist (Default: SS Leaderboard 6.2★):
2024-07-09 16:06:13 DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Fetching page 1/-1 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Got 14 songs from leaderboard page 1
2024-07-09 16:06:13 INFO: Fetching page 2/3 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Got 14 songs from leaderboard page 2
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Fetching page 3/3 of leaderboards
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Got 3 songs from leaderboard page 3
2024-07-09 16:06:14 INFO: Playlist written to SS Leaderboard 6.2★.bplist
Player songs by stars:
2024-07-09 16:07:04 DEBUG: Using selector: EpollSelector
Enter the playerid (Default: 76561199407393962):
Enter the minimum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 5):
Enter the maximum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: 6.0): 5.5
Enter the filename for the playlist (Default: Replay SS 5.0★):
2024-07-09 16:07:14 INFO: Fetching page 1/-1 of player scores
2024-07-09 16:07:15 INFO: Got 100 scores from page 1
2024-07-09 16:07:19 INFO: Fetching page 8/9 of player scores
2024-07-09 16:07:20 INFO: Got 96 scores from page 8
2024-07-09 16:07:20 INFO: Playlist written to Replay SS 5.0★.bplist
## Development
Clone the repo and install dependencies into a local virtual environment:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --editable .
## Resources
* [Beatleader API](
* [ScoreSaber API](
## Tips
Count results
jq '.songs | length' < playlist.bplist
Avoid printing covers in console.
jq 'del(.image)' < playlist.bplist
Find the most common mappers the player has played:
jq -r '.songs[].levelAuthorName' *.bplist | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 10

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ dependencies = [
requires-python = ">=3.8.10"
classifiers = [
@ -33,7 +34,10 @@ Homepage = ""
player_scores_by_stars = "saberlist.scoresaber:replay_ranked"
replay_all_by_acc = "saberlist.scoresaber:replay_all_by_acc"
leaderboard_songs_by_stars = "saberlist.scoresaber:leaderboard_songs"
#replay_ranked_bl = "saberlist.beatleader:replay_ranked"
#player_scores_by_stars = "saberlist.scoresaber:replay_ranked"
#replay_all_by_acc = "saberlist.scoresaber:replay_all_by_acc"
#leaderboard_songs_by_stars = "saberlist.scoresaber:leaderboard_songs"
saberlist_replay_bl = "saberlist.beatleader:saberlist_replay_bl"
pythonpath = ["src"]

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@ -1,11 +1,123 @@
import requests
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from saberlist.beatleaderAPI import BeatLeaderAPI
import json
import os
# Specify the URL
blee_id = '76561199407393962'
#url = f'{blee_id}/rankedMaps'
url = f'{blee_id}/scores'
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
response = requests.get(url)
HISTORY_FILE = "playlist_history.json"
response_content = json.loads(response.content)
def load_history():
if os.path.exists(HISTORY_FILE):
with open(HISTORY_FILE, 'r') as f:
history = json.load(f)
# Ensure 'used_covers' key exists
if 'used_covers' not in history:
history['used_covers'] = []
return history
return {'used_covers': []}
def save_history(history):
with open(HISTORY_FILE, 'w') as f:
json.dump(history, f, indent=2)
def prompt_for_player_id(default_id='76561199407393962'):
prompt = f"Enter player ID (press Enter for default '{default_id}'): "
user_input = input(prompt).strip()
return user_input if user_input else default_id
def build_difficulty_based_playlist(api, player_id, history, playlist_name):
scores_data = api.get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=True)
all_scores = scores_data['data']
all_scores.sort(key=lambda x: x['timepost'])
difficulty_groups = defaultdict(list)
no_stars_group = []
for score in all_scores:
stars = score['leaderboard']['difficulty'].get('stars')
song_id = score['leaderboard']['song']['id']
difficulty_name = score['leaderboard']['difficulty']['difficultyName']
# Check if this song:difficulty combination is in history
if song_id not in history or difficulty_name not in history[song_id]:
if stars is None or stars == 0:
elif 0 < stars <= 3:
elif 4 <= stars < 6:
elif 6 <= stars < 7:
elif stars >= 7:
playlist_scores = []
for difficulty, count in [(0, 5), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5)]:
unique_songs = {}
for score in difficulty_groups[difficulty]:
song_id = score['leaderboard']['song']['id']
if song_id not in unique_songs or score['timepost'] < unique_songs[song_id]['timepost']:
unique_songs[song_id] = score
playlist_scores.extend(sorted(unique_songs.values(), key=lambda x: x['timepost'])[:count])
# Add 5 songs with no star value or zero stars
unique_no_stars_songs = {}
for score in no_stars_group:
song_id = score['leaderboard']['song']['id']
if song_id not in unique_no_stars_songs or score['timepost'] < unique_no_stars_songs[song_id]['timepost']:
unique_no_stars_songs[song_id] = score
playlist_scores.extend(sorted(unique_no_stars_songs.values(), key=lambda x: x['timepost'])[:5])
# Update history
for score in playlist_scores:
song_id = score['leaderboard']['song']['id']
difficulty_name = score['leaderboard']['difficulty']['difficultyName']
if song_id not in history:
history[song_id] = []
playlist_file, used_cover = api.create_player_playlist_with_random_cover(
player_id, playlist_name, "SaberList Tool", len(playlist_scores), True, set(history['used_covers'])
if used_cover:
return playlist_file, playlist_scores, used_cover
def saberlist_replay_bl():
api = BeatLeaderAPI()
player_id = prompt_for_player_id()
player_info = api.get_player_info(player_id)
if player_info:"Fetching score history for player: {player_info.get('name', 'N/A')}")
history = load_history()
# Generate a unique playlist name
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
playlist_name = f"star_ladder-{timestamp}"
playlist_file, playlist_scores, used_cover = build_difficulty_based_playlist(api, player_id, history, playlist_name)
print(f"Playlist created: {playlist_file}")
if used_cover:
print(f"Cover image used: {used_cover}")
print("Playlist contents:")
for i, score in enumerate(playlist_scores, 1):
song = score['leaderboard']['song']
difficulty = score['leaderboard']['difficulty']
print(f"{i}. {song['name']} by {song['author']} (Mapper: {song['mapper']}) - {difficulty['stars']:.2f} stars - Last played: {datetime.fromtimestamp(score['timepost'])}")
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import base64
import json
import os
import random
import requests
import time
import logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
class BeatLeaderAPI:
def __init__(self, cache_expiry_days=1):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.cache_expiry_days = cache_expiry_days
self.CACHE_DIR = self._determine_cache_dir()
if not os.path.exists(self.CACHE_DIR):
def _determine_cache_dir(self):
home_cache = os.path.expanduser("~/.cache")
saberlist_cache = os.path.join(home_cache, "saberlist")
if os.path.exists(home_cache):
if not os.path.exists(saberlist_cache):
os.makedirs(saberlist_cache)"Created cache directory: {saberlist_cache}")
except OSError as e:
logging.warning(f"Failed to create {saberlist_cache}: {e}")
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".cache")
return saberlist_cache
else:"~/.cache doesn't exist, using local .cache directory")
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".cache")
def _get_cache_filename(self, player_id):
return os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR, f"player_{player_id}_scores.json")
def _is_cache_valid(self, cache_file):
if not os.path.exists(cache_file):
return False
file_modified_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(cache_file))
return - file_modified_time < timedelta(days=self.cache_expiry_days)
def get_player_scores(self, player_id, use_cache=True, page_size=100, max_pages=None):
cache_file = self._get_cache_filename(player_id)
if use_cache and self._is_cache_valid(cache_file):
logging.debug(f"Using cached data for player {player_id}")
with open(cache_file, 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
logging.debug(f"Fetching fresh data for player {player_id}")
url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/player/{player_id}/scores"
all_scores = []
page = 1
total_items = None
while max_pages is None or page <= max_pages:
params = {
"page": page,
"count": page_size
response = self.session.get(url, params=params)
data = response.json()
if total_items is None:
total_items = data['metadata']['total']
if len(all_scores) >= total_items:
page += 1
time.sleep(1) # Add a small delay to avoid rate limiting
result = {
'metadata': {
'total': total_items,
'itemsPerPage': page_size,
'page': page
'data': all_scores
with open(cache_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(result, f)
return result
def get_player_songs(self, player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True):
scores = self.get_player_scores(player_id, page, count, use_cache)
songs = []
song_ids = set()
for score in scores['data']:
song = score['leaderboard']['song']
if song['id'] not in song_ids:
return songs
def get_player_songs_minimal(self, player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True):
full_songs = self.get_player_songs(player_id, page, count, use_cache)
return [self._get_minimal_song_data(song) for song in full_songs]
def _get_minimal_song_data(self, song):
return {
'id': song['id'],
'name': song['name'],
'author': song['author'],
'mapper': song['mapper'],
'hash': song['hash'],
'bpm': song['bpm'],
'duration': song['duration']
def clear_cache(self, player_id=None):
if player_id:
cache_file = self._get_cache_filename(player_id)
if os.path.exists(cache_file):
logging.debug(f"Cleared cache for player {player_id}")
for file in os.listdir(self.CACHE_DIR):
os.remove(os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR, file))
logging.debug("Cleared all cache")
def get_cache_dir(self):
return self.CACHE_DIR
def create_bplist(self, scores, playlist_title="playlist", playlist_author="SaberList Tool", song_limit=0, cover_image=None):
Create a bplist (JSON) file in the current directory from the given scores data.
:param scores: List of score data from get_player_scores
:param playlist_title: Title of the playlist (default: "playlist")
:param playlist_author: Author of the playlist (default: "SaberList Tool")
:param song_limit: Maximum number of songs to include (0 for no limit)
:param cover_image: Path to the cover image file (optional)
:return: Path to the created bplist file
playlist = {
"playlistTitle": playlist_title,
"playlistAuthor": playlist_author,
"songs": []
if cover_image:
with open(cover_image, "rb") as image_file:
encoded_image = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
playlist["image"] = f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{encoded_image}"
# Determine the number of songs to include
num_songs = len(scores) if song_limit == 0 else min(song_limit, len(scores))
for score in scores[:num_songs]:
song = score['leaderboard']['song']
difficulty = score['leaderboard']['difficulty']
song_entry = {
"hash": song['hash'],
"songName": song['name'],
"difficulties": [
"name": difficulty['difficultyName'].lower(),
"characteristic": difficulty['modeName'].lower()
"levelAuthorName": song['mapper']
# Generate a unique filename
timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
filename = f"{playlist_title}_{timestamp}.bplist"
# Write the playlist to a file
with open(filename, 'w') as file:
json.dump(playlist, file, indent=4)"Playlist written to {filename} with {num_songs} songs")
return os.path.abspath(filename)
def create_player_playlist(self, player_id, playlist_title="playlist", playlist_author="SaberList Tool", song_limit=0, use_cache=True):
Create a bplist (JSON) file for a player's scores.
:param player_id: ID of the player
:param playlist_title: Title of the playlist (default: "playlist")
:param playlist_author: Author of the playlist (default: "SaberList Tool")
:param song_limit: Maximum number of songs to include (0 for no limit)
:param use_cache: Whether to use cached scores data (default: True)
:return: Path to the created bplist file
scores_data = self.get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=use_cache)
return self.create_bplist(scores_data['data'], playlist_title, playlist_author, song_limit)
def create_player_playlist_with_random_cover(self, player_id, playlist_title="playlist", playlist_author="SaberList Tool", song_limit=0, use_cache=True, used_covers=None):
Create a bplist (JSON) file for a player's scores with a random cover image.
:param player_id: ID of the player
:param playlist_title: Title of the playlist (default: "playlist")
:param playlist_author: Author of the playlist (default: "SaberList Tool")
:param song_limit: Maximum number of songs to include (0 for no limit)
:param use_cache: Whether to use cached scores data (default: True)
:param used_covers: Set of already used cover image filenames
:return: Path to the created bplist file, and the filename of the used cover
scores_data = self.get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=use_cache)
covers_dir = "./covers"
# Create the covers directory if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(covers_dir):
os.makedirs(covers_dir)"Created directory: {covers_dir}")
available_covers = [f for f in os.listdir(covers_dir) if f.endswith('.jpg') and f not in (used_covers or set())]
if not available_covers:
logging.warning("No unused cover images available. Using no cover.")
return self.create_bplist(scores_data['data'], playlist_title, playlist_author, song_limit), None
selected_cover = random.choice(available_covers)
cover_path = os.path.join(covers_dir, selected_cover)
playlist_file = self.create_bplist(scores_data['data'], playlist_title, playlist_author, song_limit, cover_path)
return playlist_file, selected_cover
def get_player_info(self, player_id):
Retrieve information for a specific player.
:param player_id: ID of the player
:return: Dictionary containing player information
url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/player/{player_id}"
response = self.session.get(url)
player_data = response.json()
return player_data
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
logging.error(f"Error fetching player info for ID {player_id}: {e}")
return None

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@ -55,14 +55,17 @@ def leaderboards_to_playlist(leaderboards: list, playlist_title: str, playlist_a"Playlist written to {playlist_title}.bplist")
return playlist_json
def scores_to_playlist(scores: list, playlist_title, playlist_author = "SaberList Tool"):
def scores_to_playlist(scores: list, playlist_title, playlist_author="SaberList Tool", song_limit=0):
playlist = {
"playlistTitle": playlist_title,
"playlistAuthor": playlist_author,
"songs": []
for score in scores:
# Determine the number of songs to include
num_songs = len(scores) if song_limit == 0 else min(song_limit, len(scores))
for score in scores[:num_songs]:
song_entry = {
"hash": score.leaderboard.song_hash,
"songName": score.leaderboard.song_name,
@ -79,7 +82,7 @@ def scores_to_playlist(scores: list, playlist_title, playlist_author = "SaberLis
playlist_json = json.dumps(playlist, indent=4)
with open(f"{playlist_title}.bplist", 'w') as file:
file.write(playlist_json)"Playlist written to {playlist_title}.bplist")"Playlist written to {playlist_title}.bplist with {num_songs} songs")
return playlist_json
@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ async def async_replay_all_by_acc():
default_title = "Replay SS"
default_player_id = '76561199407393962'
player_id = input(f"Enter the playerid (Default: {default_player_id}): ") or default_player_id
song_limit = input("Limit the playlist but number of songs (Default: 0, ie. no limit): ") or 0
async for player_scores in scoresaber.player_scores_all(player_id, score_sort):
@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ async def async_replay_all_by_acc():
playlist_title = f"{default_title} {stars}"
filtered_sorted_scores = filter_and_sort_scores_by_acc(scores, stars, stars + 1)
if filtered_sorted_scores:
scores_to_playlist(filtered_sorted_scores, playlist_title)
scores_to_playlist(filtered_sorted_scores, playlist_title, song_limit=int(song_limit))
print(f"No scores found for {stars}")
@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ def leaderboard_songs():
min_stars = float(input(f"Enter the minimum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: {default_min_stars}): ") or default_min_stars)
default_max_stars = min_stars + 0.10
max_stars = float(input(f"Enter the maximum starlevel to include on the playlist (Default: {default_max_stars}): ") or default_max_stars)
default_title = f"SS Leaderboard {min_stars}"
default_title = f"SS{min_stars}"
playlist_title = input(f"Enter the filename for the playlist (Default: {default_title}): ") or default_title

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# This test hits the live api, and serves as a sanity check for the BeatLeaderAPI class.
# Run this sparingly! Ideally you should only need it just before tagging a release version.
import pytest
import os
import logging
from saberlist.beatleaderAPI import BeatLeaderAPI
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# Test player ID (you may want to use a known player ID for consistent testing)
TEST_PLAYER_ID = '76561199407393962'
def api():
return BeatLeaderAPI(cache_expiry_days=0) # Set to 0 to always get fresh data during tests
def test_cache_directory(api):
cache_dir = api.get_cache_dir()
assert os.path.exists(cache_dir), f"Cache directory {cache_dir} does not exist"
assert cache_dir.endswith('saberlist'), f"Cache directory {cache_dir} does not end with 'saberlist'"
def test_get_player_scores(api):
scores = api.get_player_scores(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=False)
assert isinstance(scores, dict), "get_player_scores should return a dictionary"
assert 'data' in scores, "Scores response should contain 'data' key"
assert len(scores['data']) > 0, "Player should have at least one score"
def test_get_player_songs(api):
songs = api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=False)
assert isinstance(songs, list), "get_player_songs should return a list"
assert len(songs) > 0, "Player should have at least one song"
# Check if all expected keys are present in the first song
expected_keys = ['id', 'name', 'author', 'mapper', 'hash', 'bpm', 'duration']
assert all(key in songs[0] for key in expected_keys), f"Song is missing some expected keys. Got: {songs[0].keys()}"
def test_get_player_songs_minimal(api):
songs = api.get_player_songs_minimal(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=False)
assert isinstance(songs, list), "get_player_songs_minimal should return a list"
assert len(songs) > 0, "Player should have at least one song"
# Check if only the minimal keys are present in the first song
expected_keys = ['id', 'name', 'author', 'mapper', 'hash', 'bpm', 'duration']
assert set(songs[0].keys()) == set(expected_keys), f"Minimal song data has unexpected keys. Got: {songs[0].keys()}"
def test_caching(api):
# First call should hit the API
songs1 = api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=True)
# Second call should use cache
songs2 = api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=True)
assert songs1 == songs2, "Cached result should be the same as the initial API call"
# Force a fresh API call
songs3 = api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=False)
# The results might be different if the player has new scores, but the structure should be the same
assert type(songs1) == type(songs3), "Fresh API call should return the same data structure"
def test_clear_cache(api):
# Ensure there's something in the cache
api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=True)
# Clear cache for the test player
cache_file = api._get_cache_filename(TEST_PLAYER_ID)
assert not os.path.exists(cache_file), f"Cache file for player {TEST_PLAYER_ID} should not exist after clearing"
# Clear all cache
api.get_player_songs(TEST_PLAYER_ID, use_cache=True) # Recreate some cache
assert len(os.listdir(api.get_cache_dir())) == 0, "Cache directory should be empty after clearing all cache"
if __name__ == "__main__":
pytest.main([__file__, "-v"])

tests/ Normal file
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# tests/
import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock
from saberlist.beatleader import BeatLeaderAPI
def mock_response():
mock = Mock()
mock.json.return_value = {
"metadata": {"itemsPerPage": 100, "page": 1, "total": 2},
"data": [
"leaderboard": {
"song": {
"id": "song1",
"name": "Test Song 1",
"author": "Test Author 1",
"mapper": "Test Mapper 1",
"hash": "testhash1",
"bpm": 120,
"duration": 180
"leaderboard": {
"song": {
"id": "song2",
"name": "Test Song 2",
"author": "Test Author 2",
"mapper": "Test Mapper 2",
"hash": "testhash2",
"bpm": 140,
"duration": 200
return mock
def beat_leader_api():
return BeatLeaderAPI()
def test_get_player_scores(mock_get, beat_leader_api, mock_response):
mock_get.return_value = mock_response
player_id = '123456'
result = beat_leader_api.get_player_scores(player_id)
assert result == mock_response.json.return_value
params={"page": 1, "count": 100}
def test_get_player_songs(mock_get, beat_leader_api, mock_response):
mock_get.return_value = mock_response
player_id = '123456'
result = beat_leader_api.get_player_songs(player_id)
expected_songs = [
'id': 'song1',
'name': 'Test Song 1',
'author': 'Test Author 1',
'mapper': 'Test Mapper 1',
'hash': 'testhash1',
'bpm': 120,
'duration': 180
'id': 'song2',
'name': 'Test Song 2',
'author': 'Test Author 2',
'mapper': 'Test Mapper 2',
'hash': 'testhash2',
'bpm': 140,
'duration': 200
assert result == expected_songs
params={"page": 1, "count": 100}
def test_get_player_songs_unique(beat_leader_api):
with patch.object(beat_leader_api, 'get_player_scores') as mock_get_scores:
mock_get_scores.return_value = {
"data": [
{"leaderboard": {"song": {"id": "song1", "name": "Song 1", "author": "Author 1", "mapper": "Mapper 1", "hash": "hash1", "bpm": 120, "duration": 180}}},
{"leaderboard": {"song": {"id": "song1", "name": "Song 1", "author": "Author 1", "mapper": "Mapper 1", "hash": "hash1", "bpm": 120, "duration": 180}}},
{"leaderboard": {"song": {"id": "song2", "name": "Song 2", "author": "Author 2", "mapper": "Mapper 2", "hash": "hash2", "bpm": 140, "duration": 200}}}
result = beat_leader_api.get_player_songs('123456')
assert len(result) == 2
assert result[0]['id'] == 'song1'
assert result[1]['id'] == 'song2'