
134 lines
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2024-01-12 21:33:20 +00:00
import NDK, { NDKUserProfile, NDKUser } from 'npm:@nostr-dev-kit/ndk';
import { DB } from "";
const TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; // 5 seconds timeout for each subscriber
const db = new DB("pubkeys.db");
const legacyMode = Deno.args.includes("--legacy-mode");
const ndk = new NDK({
explicitRelayUrls: [
outboxRelayUrls: [
enableOutboxModel: !legacyMode, // Default is true, unless legacy mode is enabled
function insertFoaf(subscriberPubkey: string, foafPubkey: string) {
try {
db.query("INSERT INTO foaf (foaf_pubkey, subscriber_pubkey) VALUES (?, ?)", [foafPubkey, subscriberPubkey]);
} catch (error) {
return; // do nothing
async function getName(user: NDKUser): Promise<string> {
await user.fetchProfile();
if (user.profile) {
const profile: NDKUserProfile = user.profile;
return profile.nip05 || || profile.username || user.npub;
} else {
return user.npub;
function timeout(ms: number) {
return new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timeout')), ms));
async function processSubscriber(subscriberPubkey: string, subscriber: NDKUser, TIMEOUT_MS: number) {
try {
const subscriberName = await Promise.race([getName(subscriber), timeout(TIMEOUT_MS)]);
if (typeof subscriberName !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Timeout occurred while fetching subscriber name.');
const followsResult = await Promise.race([subscriber.follows(), timeout(TIMEOUT_MS)]);
if (!(followsResult instanceof Set)) {
throw new Error('Timeout occurred while fetching follows.');
if (followsResult.size === 0) {
db.query("UPDATE subscribers SET has_no_foaf = 1 WHERE pubkey = ?", [subscriberPubkey]);
console.log(`Success: ${subscriberName} follows no one`);
for (const foaf of followsResult) {
insertFoaf(subscriberPubkey, foaf.pubkey);
const foafCount = db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foaf WHERE subscriber_pubkey = ?", [subscriberPubkey])[0][0] as number;
if (foafCount === followsResult.size) {
console.log(`Success: ${subscriberName} follows ${followsResult.size}`);
} else {
console.log(`Warning: ${subscriberName} follows ${followsResult.size} and ${foafCount} are in the database`);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message === 'Timeout') {
console.log(`Operation timed out for subscriber ${subscriberPubkey}. Continuing to next subscriber.`);
} else {
console.error("Error in processing subscriber:", error);
async function processSubscribers(subscriberList: string[]) {
//const skipList = [
// "ce2fb8588e047b61e738bee312bf63e03f9c1fd849ab67ab4c5f9b39643d5ffd"
for (const subscriberResult of subscriberList) {
const subscriberPubkey = subscriberResult as string;
//if (skipList.includes(subscriberPubkey)) {
// console.log(`Skipping: ${subscriberPubkey} is in skip list`);
// continue;
const subscriber = ndk.getUser({ pubkey: subscriberPubkey });
const foafCountPreCheck = db.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM foaf WHERE subscriber_pubkey = ?", [subscriberPubkey])[0][0] as number;
const hasNoFoaf = db.query("SELECT has_no_foaf FROM subscribers WHERE pubkey = ?", [subscriberPubkey])[0][0] as boolean;
if (foafCountPreCheck > 0 || hasNoFoaf) {
console.log(`Skipping: ${subscriber.npub} already has ${foafCountPreCheck} follows`);
console.log("subscriber:", subscriber.pubkey)
await processSubscriber(subscriberPubkey, subscriber, TIMEOUT_MS);
async function main() {
await ndk.connect();
foaf_pubkey TEXT,
subscriber_pubkey TEXT,
UNIQUE(foaf_pubkey, subscriber_pubkey)
//const subscriberResults = db.query("SELECT pubkey FROM subscribers ORDER BY pubkey DESC") as string[][];
const subscriberResults = db.query(`
SELECT s.pubkey
FROM subscribers s
LEFT JOIN foaf f ON s.pubkey = f.subscriber_pubkey
WHERE s.has_no_foaf = 0 AND f.foaf_pubkey IS NULL
GROUP BY s.pubkey
`) as string[][];
const subscriberList = => subscriber[0]);
await processSubscribers(subscriberList);