import NDK, {NDKFilter} from 'npm:@nostr-dev-kit/ndk'; const ndk = new NDK({ explicitRelayUrls: [ //"wss://", "wss://", "wss://", "wss://", ], outboxRelayUrls: [ "wss://", ], enableOutboxModel: true, }); await ndk.connect(); //const filter: NDKFilter = { kinds: [3], authors: ["69a0a0910b49a1dbfbc4e4f10df22b5806af5403a228267638f2e908c968228d"] }; //const event = await ndk.fetchEvent(filter); // //console.log(event.rawEvent()); //console.log(event?.content); //console.log(event?.created_at); //console.log(event?.tags.length); //event.rawEvent().tags.forEach((tag) => { // if (tag[0] === "p"){ // console.log(tag[1]) // } //}); async function insertFoaf(subscriberPubkey: string, foafPubkey: string) { db.query("INSERT INTO foaf (foaf_pubkey, subscriber_pubkey) VALUES (?, ?)", [foafPubkey, subscriberPubkey]); } const filter: NDKFilter = { kinds: [3], authors: [subscriberPubkey] }; const follows = await ndk.fetchEvent(filter); follows.tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag[0] === "p") { const foafPubkey = tag[1]; // Extract the FOAF pubkey console.log(foafPubkey); // Log the FOAF pubkey // Insert the FOAF pubkey into the database insertFoaf(subscriber_pubkey, foafPubkey); } }); // npub1dxs2pygtfxsah77yuncsmu3ttqr274qr5g5zva3c7t5s3jtgy2xszsn4st // hex: 69a0a0910b49a1dbfbc4e4f10df22b5806af5403a228267638f2e908c968228d const blee = ndk.getUser({ npub: "npub1dxs2pygtfxsah77yuncsmu3ttqr274qr5g5zva3c7t5s3jtgy2xszsn4st", }); // const follows = await blee.follows(); console.log("Number of follows:", follows.size); for (const foaf of follows) { console.log(foaf.pubkey); } // Will return only the first event event = await ndk.fetchEvent(filter);