This simple Python class provides a convenient wrapper for interacting with the BeatLeader API, specifically for retrieving player scores and song data for the game Beat Saber.
## Features
- Fetch player scores and song data from the BeatLeader API
- Local caching of API responses to reduce API calls and improve performance
- Automatic pagination handling to retrieve all available data
- Configurable cache expiration
- Methods to retrieve both full and minimal song data
-`get_player_scores(player_id, use_cache=True, page_size=100, max_pages=None)`: Retrieves all scores for a player.
-`get_player_songs(player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True)`: Retrieves full song data for all unique songs a player has played.
-`get_player_songs_minimal(player_id, page=1, count=100, use_cache=True)`: Retrieves minimal song data (id, name, author, mapper, hash, bpm, duration) for all unique songs a player has played.
-`clear_cache(player_id=None)`: Clears the cache for a specific player or all cached data.
-`get_cache_dir()`: Returns the path to the current cache directory.