import NDK, { NDKEvent, NDKUser, NDKSigner, zapInvoiceFromEvent, type NostrEvent, } from "@nostr-dev-kit/ndk"; import { requestProvider } from "webln"; import { bech32 } from "@scure/base"; import { z } from "zod"; import { createZodFetcher } from "zod-fetch"; import { getTagValues, getTagsAllValues } from "../nostr/utils"; import { unixTimeNowInSeconds } from "../nostr/dates"; import { createEvent } from "./create"; import { findEphemeralSigner } from "@/lib/actions/ephemeral"; import { log } from "@/lib/utils"; const fetchWithZod = createZodFetcher(); const ZapEndpointResponseSchema = z.object({ nostrPubkey: z.string(), }); export async function sendZap( ndk: NDK, amount: number, _event: NostrEvent, comment?: string, ) { log("func", "sendZap"); const event = await new NDKEvent(ndk, _event); log("info", event.toString()); const pr = await event.zap(amount * 1000, comment); if (!pr) { log("info", "No PR"); return; } const webln = await requestProvider(); return await webln.sendPayment(pr); } export async function checkPayment( ndk: NDK, tagId: string, pubkey: string, event: NostrEvent, ) { const paymentEvents = await ndk.fetchEvents({ kinds: [9735], ["#a"]: [tagId], }); if (!paymentEvents) return; const paymentEvent = Array.from(paymentEvents).find( (e) => zapInvoiceFromEvent(e)?.zappee === pubkey, ); if (!paymentEvent) return; const invoice = zapInvoiceFromEvent(paymentEvent); if (!invoice) { console.log("No invoice"); return; } const zappedUser = ndk.getUser({ hexpubkey: invoice.zapped, }); await zappedUser.fetchProfile(); if (!zappedUser.profile) { console.log("No zappedUser profile"); return; } const { lud16, lud06 } = zappedUser.profile; let zapEndpoint: null | string = null; if (lud16 && !lud16.startsWith("LNURL")) { const [name, domain] = lud16.split("@"); zapEndpoint = `https://${domain}/.well-known/lnurlp/${name}`; } else if (lud06) { const { words } = bech32.decode(lud06, 1e3); const data = bech32.fromWords(words); const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); zapEndpoint = utf8Decoder.decode(data); } if (!zapEndpoint) { console.log("No zapEndpoint"); return; } const { nostrPubkey } = await fetchWithZod( // The schema you want to validate with ZapEndpointResponseSchema, // Any parameters you would usually pass to fetch zapEndpoint, { method: "GET", }, ); if (!nostrPubkey) return; console.log("nostrPubkey", nostrPubkey); console.log("Invoice amount", invoice.amount); console.log("Price", parseInt(getTagValues("price", event.tags) ?? "0")); return ( nostrPubkey === paymentEvent.pubkey && invoice.amount >= parseInt(getTagValues("price", event.tags) ?? "0") ); } export async function updateListUsersFromZaps( ndk: NDK, tagId: string, event: NostrEvent, ) { log("func", "updateListUsersFromZaps"); const SECONDS_IN_MONTH = 2_628_000; const SECONDS_IN_YEAR = SECONDS_IN_MONTH * 365; const paymentEvents = await ndk.fetchEvents({ kinds: [9735], ["#a"]: [tagId], since: unixTimeNowInSeconds() - SECONDS_IN_YEAR, }); const paymentInvoices = Array.from(paymentEvents).map((paymentEvent) => zapInvoiceFromEvent(paymentEvent), ); const currentUsers = getTagsAllValues("p", event.tags); let validUsers: string[][] = currentUsers.filter( ([pubkey, relay, petname, expiryUnix]) => parseInt(expiryUnix ?? "0") > unixTimeNowInSeconds(), ); const newUsers: string[] =[pub]) => pub as string); for (const paymentInvoice of paymentInvoices) { if ( !paymentInvoice || validUsers.find(([pubkey]) => pubkey === paymentInvoice.zappee) ) { continue; } const isValid = await checkPayment( ndk, tagId, paymentInvoice.zappee, event, ); if (isValid) { validUsers.push([ paymentInvoice.zappee, "", "", (unixTimeNowInSeconds() + SECONDS_IN_YEAR).toString(), ]); newUsers.push(paymentInvoice.zappee); // Send old codes to user } } log("info", "New users", newUsers.toString()); await sendCodesToNewUsers(ndk, newUsers, tagId, event); // Add self; const selfIndex = validUsers.findIndex(([vu]) => vu === event.pubkey); if (selfIndex === -1) { validUsers.push([event.pubkey, "", "self", "4000000000"]); } return createEvent(ndk, { ...event, kind: event.kind as number, tags: [ ...event.tags.filter(([key]) => key !== "p"), => ["p", ...user]), ], }); } async function sendCodesToNewUsers( ndk: NDK, users: string[], tagId: string, event: NostrEvent, ) { const signer = await findEphemeralSigner(ndk, ndk.signer!, { associatedEventNip19: new NDKEvent(ndk, event).encode(), }); log("func", "sendCodesToNewUsers"); log("info", "Signer", signer?.toString()); if (!signer) return; const delegate = await signer.user(); const messages = await ndk.fetchEvents({ authors: [delegate.pubkey], kinds: [4], ["#p"]: [tagId.split(":")?.[1] ?? ""], }); const codes: [string, string][] = []; for (const message of Array.from(messages)) { await message.decrypt(); codes.push([getTagValues("e", message.tags) ?? "", message.content]); } log("info", "codes", codes.toString()); for (const user of users) { for (const [event, code] of codes) { const messageEvent = new NDKEvent(ndk, { content: code, kind: 4, tags: [ ["p", user], ["e", event], ["client", "flockstr"], ], pubkey: delegate.pubkey, } as NostrEvent); log("info", "sending message"); await messageEvent.encrypt(new NDKUser({ hexpubkey: user }), signer); await messageEvent.sign(signer); await messageEvent.publish(); } } }