import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import FormModal from "./FormModal"; import { z } from "zod"; import useEvents from "@/lib/hooks/useEvents"; import { createEventHandler } from "@/lib/actions/create"; import { unixTimeNowInSeconds } from "@/lib/nostr/dates"; import { useModal } from "@/app/_providers/modal/provider"; import { toast } from "sonner"; import { useNDK } from "@/app/_providers/ndk"; import { useSigner, type SignerStoreItem } from "@/app/_providers/signer"; import { getTagValues } from "@/lib/nostr/utils"; import useCurrentUser from "@/lib/hooks/useCurrentUser"; import { saveEphemeralSigner } from "@/lib/actions/ephemeral"; import useLists from "@/lib/hooks/useLists"; import { getUrls } from "@/components/TextRendering"; const ShortTextNoteSchema = z.object({ content: z.string(), list: z.string().optional(), isPrivate: z.boolean().optional(), }); type ShortTextNoteType = z.infer<typeof ShortTextNoteSchema>; export default function ShortTextNoteModal() { const modal = useModal(); const { lists, init } = useLists(); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const { currentUser } = useCurrentUser(); const [sent, setSent] = useState(false); const { ndk } = useNDK(); const { getSigner } = useSigner()!; useEffect(() => { if (currentUser) { void init(currentUser.pubkey); } }, [currentUser]); // useEffect(() => { // if (events.length) { // console.log("Done!"); // setIsLoading(false); // toast.success("List Updated!"); // modal?.hide(); // } // }, [events]); async function handleSubmit(data: ShortTextNoteType) { setIsLoading(true); if (!ndk) { toast.error("Error connecting"); return; } const urls = getUrls(data.content); const urlTags = => ["r", u]); if (data.list) { const list = lists.find((l) => getTagValues("d", l.tags) === data.list); if (!list) { toast.error("No list found"); return; } let listSigner: SignerStoreItem | undefined = undefined; if (data.isPrivate) { listSigner = await getSigner(list); if (!listSigner?.signer) { toast.error("Error creating signer"); return; } if (!listSigner?.saved) { console.log("Saving delegate..."); await saveEphemeralSigner(ndk!, listSigner.signer, { associatedEvent: list, keyProfile: { name: listSigner.title, picture: currentUser?.profile?.image, lud06: currentUser?.profile?.lud06, lud16: currentUser?.profile?.lud16, }, }); } } console.log("about to create private event with ", listSigner); const result = await createEventHandler( ndk, { content: data.content, kind: 1, tags: [...urlTags], }, data.isPrivate, list, listSigner?.signer, ); if (result) { toast.success("Note added!"); modal?.hide(); } } else { const result = await createEventHandler( ndk, { content: data.content, kind: 1, tags: [...urlTags], }, data.isPrivate, ); if (result) { toast.success("Note added!"); modal?.hide(); } } } return ( <FormModal title="Short Text Note" fields={[ { label: "Content", type: "text-area", slug: "content", }, { label: "Add to list", type: "select-search", placeholder: "Search your lists", slug: "list", options: lists .map((l) => { const title = getTagValues("title", l.tags) ?? getTagValues("name", l.tags) ?? "Untitled"; const description = getTagValues("description", l.tags); const value = getTagValues("d", l.tags); if (!value) return; return { label: title, description, value: value, }; }) .filter(Boolean), }, { label: "Private", type: "toggle", slug: "isPrivate", }, ]} formSchema={ShortTextNoteSchema} onSubmit={handleSubmit} isSubmitting={isLoading} cta={{ text: "Publish", }} /> ); }