2023-10-13 09:23:11 -04:00

239 lines
5.4 KiB

import { last, pluck, identity } from "ramda";
import { nip19 } from "nostr-tools";
export const NEWLINE = "newline";
export const TEXT = "text";
export const TOPIC = "topic";
export const LINK = "link";
export const INVOICE = "invoice";
export const NOSTR_NOTE = "nostr:note";
export const NOSTR_NEVENT = "nostr:nevent";
export const NOSTR_NPUB = "nostr:npub";
export const NOSTR_NPROFILE = "nostr:nprofile";
export const NOSTR_NADDR = "nostr:naddr";
function first(list: any) {
return list ? list[0] : undefined;
export const fromNostrURI = (s: string) => s.replace(/^[\w\+]+:\/?\/?/, "");
export const urlIsMedia = (url: string) =>
!url.match(/\.(apk|docx|xlsx|csv|dmg)/) &&
export const parseContent = ({
tags = [],
}: {
content: string;
tags: any[];
}): { type: string; value: string }[] => {
const result: { type: string; value: string }[] = [];
let text = content.trim();
let buffer = "";
const parseNewline = () => {
const newline = first(text.match(/^\n+/));
if (newline) {
return [NEWLINE, newline, newline];
const parseMention = () => {
// Convert legacy mentions to bech32 entities
const mentionMatch = text.match(/^#\[(\d+)\]/i);
if (mentionMatch) {
const i = parseInt(mentionMatch[1]);
if (tags[i]) {
const [tag, value, url] = tags[i];
const relays = [url].filter(identity);
let type, data, entity;
if (tag === "p") {
type = "nprofile";
data = { pubkey: value, relays };
entity = nip19.nprofileEncode(data);
} else {
type = "nevent";
data = { id: value, relays };
entity = nip19.neventEncode(data);
return [`nostr:${type}`, mentionMatch[0], { ...data, entity }];
const parseTopic = () => {
const topic = first(text.match(/^#\w+/i));
// Skip numeric topics
if (topic && !topic.match(/^#\d+$/)) {
return [TOPIC, topic, topic.slice(1)];
const parseBech32 = () => {
const bech32 = first(
if (bech32) {
try {
const entity = fromNostrURI(bech32);
const { type, data } = nip19.decode(entity) as {
type: string;
data: object;
let value = data;
if (type === "note") {
value = { id: data };
} else if (type === "npub") {
value = { pubkey: data };
return [`nostr:${type}`, bech32, { ...value, entity }];
} catch (e) {
// pass
const parseInvoice = () => {
const invoice = first(text.match(/^ln(bc|url)[\d\w]{50,1000}/i));
if (invoice) {
return [INVOICE, invoice, invoice];
const parseUrl = () => {
const raw = first(
// Skip url if it's just the end of a filepath
if (raw) {
const prev: any = last(result);
if (prev?.type === "text" && prev.value.endsWith("/")) {
let url = raw;
// Skip ellipses and very short non-urls
if (url.match(/\.\./)) {
if (!url.match("://")) {
url = "https://" + url;
return [LINK, raw, { url, isMedia: urlIsMedia(url) }];
while (text) {
const part =
parseNewline() ||
parseMention() ||
parseTopic() ||
parseBech32() ||
parseUrl() ||
if (part) {
if (buffer) {
result.push({ type: "text", value: buffer });
buffer = "";
const [type, raw, value] = part;
result.push({ type, value });
text = text.slice(raw.length);
} else {
// Instead of going character by character and re-running all the above regular expressions
// a million times, try to match the next word and add it to the buffer
const match = first(text.match(/^[\w\d]+ ?/i)) || text[0];
buffer += match;
text = text.slice(match.length);
if (buffer) {
result.push({ type: TEXT, value: buffer });
return result;
export const truncateContent = (
content: { value: string; type: string; isMedia: boolean }[],
showMedia = false,
}: { showEntire: boolean; maxLength: number; showMedia: boolean },
) => {
if (showEntire) {
return content;
let length = 0;
const result: any[] = [];
const truncateAt = maxLength * 0.6;
content.every((part, i) => {
const isText =
[TOPIC, TEXT].includes(part.type) ||
(part.type === LINK && !part.isMedia);
const isMedia =
part.type === INVOICE || part.type.startsWith("nostr:") || part.isMedia;
if (isText) {
length += part.value.length;
if (isMedia) {
length += showMedia ? maxLength / 3 : part.value.length;
if (length > truncateAt && i < content.length - 1) {
if (isText || (isMedia && !showMedia)) {
result.push({ type: TEXT, value: "..." });
return false;
return true;
return result;
export const getLinks = (
parts: { value: string; type: string; isMedia: boolean }[],
) =>
parts.filter((x) => x.type === LINK && x.isMedia),