
3.5 KiB

lightning payments

Simple payments app for core-lightning node (lightningd).


  • Start lightningd with the new rest api --clnrest-port=3010 or configure it in .lightning/config

    • Note that the clnrest plugin is bundled within lightningd, but its dependencies are not. You might need to pip install -r requirements.txt before it'll work.
    • When the plugin is working, the lightningd log will show a message like REST server running at
  • Create a run with lightning-cli commando-rune

    lightning-cli commando-rune restrictions='[["method^list", "method^get", "method=summary", "method~invoice", "method~offers"],["method/listdatastore"]]'
    export RUNE=<node-rune>
    curl -X GET 'http://localhost:3010/v1/list-methods' -H "Rune: ${RUNE}"
    curl -k -X POST 'http://localhost:3010/v1/getinfo' -H "Rune: ${RUNE}"
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3010/v1/listoffers' -H "Rune: ${RUNE}"
    curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3010/v1/listinvoices' -H "Rune: ${RUNE}"
    deno run --allow-net --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors test.ts
  • TODO: env var


Swagger for lightningd will be on


To run node.js in repl:

npm init -y
npm install fs

Paste code.

To run code in Deno:

deno repl --allow-net --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors




  • postgres typically wants a lot more memory, which motivates running it on a separate server
  • some of our custom strfry-policies read from the same database, and strfry needs to reload the policies to import updates to the pubkey lists
  • avoids introducing more failure methods, such as failing to connect to an external postgresql database
  • reduces barrier to entry for other relay ops who might attempt to run the code themselves


  • downsides to this choice includes increasing overhead memory requirements for the server, but the whole purpose of this code is to fund a better server anyway
  • another downside is that the Deno sqlite integrations don't seem to be very mature

Discovery Notes

Relevant methods

  • Command: waitanyinvoice [lastpay_index] [timeout]

    • Description: Wait for the next invoice to be paid, after {lastpay_index} (if supplied). If {timeout} seconds is reached while waiting, fail with an error.
  • Command: waitinvoice label

    • Description: Wait for an incoming payment matching the invoice with {label}, or if the invoice expires
  • Command: listinvoices [label] [invstring] [payment_hash] [offer_id] [index] [start] [limit]

    • Description: Show invoice matching {label}, {invstring}, {payment_hash} or {offerid} (or all, if no query parameter specified)
  • Command: invoice amount_msat label description [expiry] [fallbacks] [preimage] [exposeprivatechannels] [cltv] [deschashonly] [dev-routes]

    • Description: Create an invoice for {msatoshi} with {label} and {description} with optional {expiry} seconds (default 1 week), optional {fallbacks} address list(default empty list) and optional {preimage} (default autogenerated)


Generate one

lightning-cli invoice amount_msat=$((2 *1000)) label=$(openssl rand -hex 4) description="test 2" expiry=3600
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:3010/v1/listinvoices' -H "Rune: ${RUNE}"